Hi everyone,:yay:I can't find anything about dagst...
# ask-community
Hi everyone,yayI can't find anything about dagster.yaml on the docs. I need to run a daemon to make a sensor work, but I don't know what I have to write inside the dagster.yaml file 🤨 Anyone has a simple example? Thank you in advance!🌈
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Hi Lorenzo - you can leave the file empty if you want to use the default settings
Thank you @daniel, but If I leave it empty, i get an error:
Copy code
Usage: dagster-daemon run [OPTIONS]
Try 'dagster-daemon run --help' for help.

Error: No arguments given and no [tool.dagster] block in pyproject.toml found.
You would pass the same arguments to that command that you’re passing into dagit - I don’t think the errror that you’re seeing there is related to a dagster.yaml file. You might find this guide helpful: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/running-locally#running-dagster-locally
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