Has someone seen this error? I think i am struggli...
# ask-community
Has someone seen this error? I think i am struggling to disambiguate the op from the graph from the asset backed by the graph...
Hi @Rahul Dave what’s the output you’re trying to return from the notebook? you aren’t required to include the line
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dagstermill.yield_result(out, output_name="encoders")
in order to turn a notebook into an op
the notebook has a dictionary in
which i would like to save as a software designed asset, to consume in downstream ops
this is also why i am not using the output notebook as a SDA (i dont care for the output notebook, only the data in the
ok that makes sense. so right now, dagstermill assets don’t support yielding results for reasons outlined in this github issue when you create a dagstermill op and wrap it in a graph and then turn that graph into an assets, it’s still basically turning the dagstermill op into a dagstermill asset, so then yield_result become unsupported. Adding yield_result support to the dagstermill asset is in my backlog, but i dont have a firm time when i’ll be able to work on it.
Interestingly even adding a downstream no-op did not affect this
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encoder_op = define_dagstermill_op(
    notebook_path=file_relative_path(__file__, "../notebooks/encoder.ipynb"),
    outs={"encoders": Out(dict)},
    ins={"df_train": In(pd.DataFrame), "df_test": In(pd.DataFrame)}

def pass_thru(encoders):
    return encoders

@graph(out = {'result': GraphOut()})
def encoder_graph(df_train, df_test):
    encoders, _ = encoder_op(df_train, df_test)
    result =  pass_thru(encoders)
    return result

encoder_asset = AssetsDefinition.from_graph(encoder_graph,
    keys_by_input_name={"df_train": AssetKey("train_dataset"), "df_test": AssetKey("test_dataset")},
    keys_by_output_name={"result": AssetKey("encoders_asset")}
So the "assetization" is passed back through the graph!!
Is there a work-around? How do you suggest i approach this? Wrap papermill in a python executor using their python api? or use events..is there an example of this?
Since events will create AssetMaterializations I would lose the graph structure...
(BTW incase you are wondering, i am trying to wrap an entire machine learning pipeline into dagster)
AssetMaterialization events would work, but yes you’d loose the graph structure. For full support we need to make a version of
that uses multi asset instead of a single asset
I guess the other option is to forgo assets and run as a graph of ops with the file-interchange done by convention
yeah that would also be an option
That does seem to lose the core SDA advantage of dagster though (although that is lost in event driven materialization too!)
yeah for sure. for what it’s worth, being able to yield results from asset notebooks is a feature i’d really like to work on, but i have higher priority features at the moment. l may be able to find some time to squeeze it in, but i can’t make any promises. If you want to join the #dagster-noteable channel, i’ll announce new dagstermill features there
❤️ 1
will join! Please let me know how i can help. I think i will go with ops and graphs for now and upgrade to the assets when you give me the green light
I just ran into this issue as well. And would love to see it resolved. Maybe a quick solution would be to not yield the resulting completed notebook?
The code change to do that might be as intensive as converting to a multi-asset. i can look into it, but i can’t make any promises
Thanks @jamie
i do want to reiterate that i want to make this feature! i just have some high priority things i’m working on right now that i can’t put on hold
Thanks @jamie!
@jamie have you been able to work this feature?
not yet, unfortunately. I recommend following the github issue i linked earlier in the thread for updates!
Lemme add my voice to the chorus for the issue! There is a whole set of apps this will unleash!
@jamie oops sorry, I will watch the issue!
no worries! easy to get lost so far up the thread