I know there is a cloud formation template for set...
# dagster-plus
I know there is a cloud formation template for setting up the dagster agent. is there also a terraform version? cc: @Sean Lopp @Said Mancouri
You could write some TF code to deploy your agent’s stack like so:
Copy code
resource "aws_cloudformation_stack" "dagster-agent" {
  name = "${var.profile}-dagster-agent"

  parameters = {
    DagsterOrganization     = var.dagster_org,
    DagsterDeployment       = "prod",
    EnableBranchDeployments = false,
    AgentToken              = var.dagster_agent_token,
    ExistingVPC             = aws_vpc.vpc.id,
    ExistingSubnets         = join(",", aws_subnet.private_subnet.*.id)
    ExistingCluster         = ""
    TaskSecurityGroup       = aws_security_group.dagster_task_sg.id
    AgentSecurityGroup      = aws_security_group.dagster_agent_sg.id

  capabilities = ["CAPABILITY_IAM"]

  template_body = file("${path.module}/dagster-agent.yml")
ty thankyou 2