Are there Op level semaphores in Dagster?
# ask-community
Are there Op level semaphores in Dagster?
I have an Op that needs a mutex across jobs (it hits a rate limited API that fails when overwhelmed). The rest of the dag is not restricted. Is it possible to do this with a resource or some other mechanisum?
We have tag-based op concurrency limits that you can apply within a single run:
ah, but
These limits are only applied on a per-run basis
I need it across runs 😞
for that your best bet is to either use celery: or use a combination of run level task concurrency and ops-within-a-run concurrency
yeah, we were limiting runs to 1 per pipeline but this mutex is needed across pipelines and runs and so the whole system came to a crawl as we could only run one thing at once becuase of one op used across pipelines.
i guess what i'm saying is we need more fine grained control other than whole runs.
So it says:
Note: These limits are only applied on a per-run basis. You can apply op concurrency limits across multiple runs using the
but how...?
Oh sorry I meant to post this earlier: - but sent the parent page instead
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man, this is ugly and going to be a real pain to debug. Is this functionality going to be moved into Dagster at some point?
we'd like to support global concurrency limits at some point, yeah - but I don't have a specific timeline for it unfortunately
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