Hello! My team is building a nested dynamic graph ...
# ask-community
Hello! My team is building a nested dynamic graph that: • Fans out to process multiple files in parallel • Splits each file into multiple parts, then processes each file part in parallel 🧵 (See thread for code example) The number of files and the number of parts are both dynamic. While our nested dynamic graph definition appears to be valid - we can load and explore the graph in the Dagit UI, when we try to launch a run we get the following error:
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvariantViolationError: In job 'parse_files' op 'count_all_files', input file_subtotals must get a value either (a) from a dependency or (b) from the inputs section of its configuration.
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# Parsing subgraph
def split_file(filename: str) -> list[str]:
    # Dynamic number of file parts
    return ["file_part_1.csv", "file_part_2.csv", "file_part_3.csv"]

def fan_out_file_parts(parts: list[str]):
    for index, file_part in enumerate(parts):
        yield DynamicOutput(file_part, mapping_key=str(index))

def parse_file_part(file_part: str) -> int:
    # Parse file_part and return subtotal
    return 5

def count_file(part_subtotals: list[int]) -> int:
    return sum(part_subtotals)

def parse_file(filename: str) -> int:
    file_parts = split_file(filename)
    dynamic_outs = fan_out_file_parts(file_parts)
    results = dynamic_outs.map(parse_file_part).collect()
    return count_file(results)

# Main parsing graph
def get_files() -> list[str]:
    # Dynamic number of files
    return ["file_1.csv", "file_2.csv", "file_3.csv"]

def fan_out_files(filenames: list[str]):
    for index, filename in enumerate(filenames):
        yield DynamicOutput(filename, mapping_key=str(index))

def count_all_files(file_subtotals: list[int]) -> int:
    return sum(file_subtotals)

def parse_files() -> int:
    filenames = get_files()
    dynamic_outs = fan_out_files(filenames)
    results = dynamic_outs.map(parse_file).collect()
    total_count = count_all_files(results)
    return total_count

# Job
parse_files_job = parse_files.to_job()
A couple of questions: 1. Is nested dynamic fan-out/fan-in like this supported? 2. Can
accept a graph, or does
only support ops? Thanks in advance for your support!
hi @Carlton Duffett! for 1 - right now only one level of dynamic fan out is supported for 2 - let me check and get back to you
i think the main issue mapping to a graph is that graphs don’t really accept input other than through config. So you’d have a hard time passing the outputs to the mapped graph. However, you can still compose ops in the map function. Here’s an example
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from dagster import DynamicOut, Field, graph, op
from dagster._core.definitions.events import DynamicOutput

def multiply_by_two(context, y):
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("echo_again is returning " + str(y * 2))
    return y * 2

@op(config_schema={"fail_on_first_try": Field(bool, default_value=False)})
def multiply_inputs(context, y, ten):
    if context.op_config["fail_on_first_try"]:
        current_run = context.instance.get_run_by_id(context.run_id)
        if y == 2 and current_run.parent_run_id is None:
            raise Exception()
    <http://context.log.info|context.log.info>("echo is returning " + str(y * ten))
    return y * ten

def emit_ten():
    return 10

def sum_numbers(base, nums):
    return base + sum(nums)

def emit():
    for i in range(3):
        yield DynamicOutput(value=i, mapping_key=str(i))

def dynamic():
    # pylint: disable=no-member
    result = emit().map(lambda num: multiply_by_two(multiply_inputs(num, emit_ten())))
    multiply_by_two.alias("double_total")(sum_numbers(emit_ten(), result.collect()))

dynamic_job = dynamic.to_job()
in this example, putting the lambda function in the
passes each dynamic output as the
param, and then there are nested ops that do a series of operations
Thanks, this example is helpful! I don't think chaining ops in the lambda function will work for our use case because we need that second level of fan-out. Some alternatives I'm considering: 1. Use a
to parallelize processing file parts within a single op 2. Execute the
subgraph within a single op using
3. Break this into two jobs Do any of those stand out as better or worse approaches?
using execute_in_process to kick off another job within an op is not something we support, so you may run into some weird edge cases/bugs with that that could be pretty hard to debug. I’m not familiar with the ProcessPoolExecutor, so i can’t speak to whether that would work or not, but i think it’s worth experimenting with! splitting into two jobs would probably work pretty well! you could store the outputs of the first job in a known location and then use a sensor to kick off the second job. then the second job would be able to pull in any outputs from the known location. it’s maybe a little bit against the ideal dagster design principle of having jobs not depend on data from other jobs, but this is a complicated use case, so i think it’s a find compromise
thank you box 2
+1 for being able to have multiple levels of fan out/in, I think that's something that would be super powerful