Hi Folks. Curious if anyone has come up with a con...
# ask-community
Hi Folks. Curious if anyone has come up with a convenient way to load up an interactive shell for one or more of the user deployment environments. We've got a self-hosted deploy using the Helm method in a GKE cluster. I'm sure I could come up with a way to spin up a pod using our same user deployment image and get an interactive shell in it, but I wanted to make sure there wasn't something more bespoke set up for it. Main use case is loading an interactive environment in k8s to debug and do on the fly analysis of dagster assets.
🤖 1
dagster bot responded by community 1
Something like this?
Copy code
kubectl run -i --tty my_interactive --image=YOURUSER/CODEIMAGE -- sh
Brilliant, thank you
Hey @Alec Koumjian, I see you used GKE so I wanted to ask a question.. did you have to enable access to Dagster to the folks in your org? We are using Google at our company so it should be SSO as it's GKE but am not sure how..
We are doing a few different things. For production, we use Cloudflare's Zero Trust network. This lets us access our production dagster instance at
but only if you have Cloudflare WARP on and you also login using our Google Workspace account. This doesn't really use any GKE specific auth, as it were. For development environments, we have it set up so we can each deploy to our own namespaces in a dev cluster. Then we access those dagit instances using
port-forwarding. When I have more time I will probably be able to set up subdomains for each of our environments also using Cloudflare. Both production and dev environments are managed with
Thanks @Alec Koumjian. When you access via
kubectl port-forwarding
, did you do it via cloud shell? I am running that command via cloud shell and as soon as I leave the shell, the dagit UI stops working..
did you face this issue? I see the dagit pod and other pods running but not sure how to access the UI if I don't run the above command
No, I just use it in my local terminal. You have to keep it running in the background and unfortunately it's rather brittle.
I typically run the kubectl port-forward in a
while true
bash loop, as it does die regularly.
But cloud shell is not a good place to run it given that cloud shell also times out.
exactly..! we can do it from the UI I guess..