Hey guys, I'm deploying Dagster using helm and try...
# ask-community
Hey guys, I'm deploying Dagster using helm and trying to figure out how to set an envVar for DataDog and trying to set DD_ENTITY_ID and DD_AGENT_HOST with the following configs. I'm not really sure where to be setting these variables since the env template only takes key value pairs
Copy code
  name: 'DD_ENTITY_ID',
  valueFrom: {
    fieldRef: {
      apiVersion: 'v1',
      fieldPath: 'metadata.uid'
  name: 'DD_AGENT_HOST',
  valueFrom: {
    fieldRef: {
      fieldPath: 'status.hostIP'
I'm running into an issue where env is a dictionary rather than a list so I can't pass in custom values for env vars, is there a workaround?
specifically for dagit and dagster-daemon
I've figured this out for the runk8sconfig just not the other two mentioned above
Hey Derek - we may need to make some tweaks to the Helm chart to support arbitrary config in the 'envFrom' field
(for dagit and the dagster-daemon)
Do you also want to set it for user code deployments? I could imagine similar challenges there currently
As a short term workaround until we add the right keys to the helm chart for this, I could imagine using kustomize to customize the dagit / daemon templates https://kustomize.io
Hey Daniel, thank you so much for your response! We'd ideally have the envFrom for dagit, dagster-daemon, and user code deployments if possible. I'll definitely look into the workaround. Is there like a rough estimate you have on when this change could be worked on?
Double-checking - i think you want env not envFrom?
(our env is just formatted differently from the 'standard' env in kubernetes)
Oh you're actually right, we want the ability to pass in a list of objects for the env rather than being limited to key-value pair
I think typically you're able to pass in a list rather than a dictionary