Hi team, asking about [limiting concurrent runs](<...
# ask-community
Hi team, asking about [limiting concurrent runs](https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/run-coordinator), is it supported in Dagster cloud? Also is it per project based (meaning I put a dagster.yaml in my project and it applies to only my project)? Or it is globally configured somewhere?
🤖 1
Hi Sean - you can configure these limits in cloud via deployment settings in the UI: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/managing-deployments#configuring-deployment-settings The limits are applied at the deployment level
I see I will need
Organization Admin permissions
to modify that, which I don’t, is there any other ways that I could apply tag based limits only to my project?
You would need to be an Admin for that deployment to set those settings (you don’t need to be a full Organization Admin)
Actually I think that Organization Admin may be a mistake in the docs - believe Editors can even change those
I think the user permission chart might contain a mistake, as an editor I don’t see Settings button next to the deployment I want to configure.
I’ll check with the team and report back - there is definitely a mistake somewhere
❤️ 1
Hi Sean, are you able to access configuration through the Settings button in the Deployments dropdown?
I don’t think so?
Double-checking, it looks like this is gated to org. admins at the moment. I think our docs need to be updated to represent this.
I think the likely end state here is certain roles being able to change certain settings (for example, editors being able to change the run queue settings, while only admins can change certain other settings). And sooner than that we can change it so that you can change the settings if you're an admin on that particular deployment (i.e. you won't need to be an organization admin). But today it does seem like you need to be an org admin to change the settings 😕
Er wait! sorry for all the confusion here. I think this will actually work if you use the dagster-cloud CLI to change the settings (See the "dagster-cloud CLI" tab here: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/managing-deployments#configuring-deployment-settings) We'll get that fixed in the UI (and docs) to reflect that. It should be EDITOR permissions after all today.
We should have this fixed in tomorrow's release - you'll be able to edit the deployment settings if you're an EDITOR on that deployment (the backend was always allowing that and the UI just needed to be updated). Thanks for the report!