I originally opened a discussion about how other s...
# integration-snowflake
I originally opened a discussion about how other snowflake users are loading data. After some playing around and now having onboarded a data scientist into the platform, I wanted to share the pattern I ultimately adopted. The code below is simplified to keep it high-level.
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class UtilsSnowInput(pydantic.BaseModel):
    class Config:
        arbitrary_types_allowed = True

    dest_namespace: str
    data: pd.DataFrame

# s3_io_manager enhanced:
def handle_output(self, context: OutputContext, obj):
    ... # s3 load specific logic

    if isinstance(obj, UtilsSnowInput):
        context.log.debug(f"Attempting snowflake upload")
        parquet_path = self._upload_df(obj) # loads obj.data as parquet
        yield MetadataEntry(
            "S3 parquet storage path",
        # utils_snow is instantiated with a snowflake stage path as an optional parameter, runs a COPY INTO command into dest_namespace
        yield from self.utils_snow.copy_into_landing_area(

# utils_snow.copy_into_landing_area wraps a COPY INTO command, cleans up the landing area, and yields some more metadata such as number of rows
def _get_copy_into_statement(
    remote_filepath: str,
    dest_namespace: str,
    return (
        f"COPY INTO {dest_namespace}(RAW) FROM @{self.stage}\n"
        f"FILES =('{remote_filepath}')\n"
        f"FILE_FORMAT = (type = '{remote_filepath.split('.')[-1]}');"
This effectively means the users are free to write logic as they see fit, the only requirement is returning a
with the required parameters
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Interesting! I was playing around with a smiilar idea and wondering if that would be a more ergonomic entrypoint into Assets + io Managers in general: Instead of returning some arbitrary Python object, you return an AssetClass.
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def my_sagemaker_asset():
    return MetadataAsset(name="baz", bar="foo") # just returns metdata about the thing

def my_snowflake_asset(my_sagemaker_training_job):
    return SnowflakeSqlTableAsset(
        schema_name = ...,
        table_name = "sagemaker_results",
        create_sql = f"select * from {my_sagemaker_asset.name}"
the advantage it seems is that your users get to push their thinking from within the
decorator into the asset definition, and there's also a clearer link between "I'm returning a UtilsSnowInput, and I know hwo Dagster will handle that." Sort of displaces talk about IO Manager. Interesting!
Yep, my aim here was to make onboarding into the platform as easy as possible without having to look too much into the intricacies of Dagster. A lot (well, pretty much all) of the logic calling external services with resources or using IO Managers is in a
package providing high-level abstractions imported into every project. This ensures that code is well tested and enforces a lot of the structure that should be built into the entire platform for maintainability and ease of collaboration later down the line.
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