I would really like a guide that’s something like ...
# dagster-feedback
I would really like a guide that’s something like “When should you use assets, and when should you use ops+graphs?” I don’t find this an obvious question, and it has many consequences. The overall shape of the code can be very different. Take for example partitions - the docs have separate sections for “Partitioned asset jobs” and “Partitioned non-asset jobs.” The test documentation has separate sections for assets and non-asset jobs. And the UI for materializing assets is pretty different from the one for working with graphs. Because of the API differences, it can be hard to change course if you’ve started using assets and regret it, or if you’ve started using ops and wish you used assets. Test code has to change, utility libraries need different APIs, etc. Avoiding that pain by guiding users would be great.
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Hey there, Spencer! I have good news for you - this is something we're currently working on. I don't have a hard and fast release date for it, but I do expect it to be soon. 🙂
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Great to hear!
Thanks for the feedback, as well! My goal is to clean up and improve the docs for you fine folks, so please reach out to me if you have any other thoughts on the docs or Dagster education in general.
Thanks @Stephen Bailey, that’s very helpful.
A very related question, which I put in support because it isn’t really feedback: https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U954MEER/p1675878358598979 This is a question I’d like to see answered in this sort of guide.