With the recent changes dagit is markign assets as...
# dagster-plus
With the recent changes dagit is markign assets as wellow in case partitions are missing. How can i tell dagit that for these ingests - indeed partitions are missing but I either do not care or have no means to backfill i.e. the source system is delivering a daily CSV file - and if not collected fast enough a backfill is not possible (i.e. missing partition warning no longer super meaningful) after this time window of a potential backfill has collapsed. It would be better, if I could show them all as green.
@geoHeil I'll pass this feedback along to the UI team. Rolling up partition statuses into a single color indicator is tricky. Today I believe the yellow status you are seeing is by design, but perhaps there would be a way to give you more control over what % of missing partitions warrants a "healthy" overall asset
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@Sean Lopp what is the feedback from the UI team and your plans to make it more customizable?
The work here is on-going, the translation of various dagster "states" into a staleness indicator is fairly complicated. Currently, any missing partitions cause an asset to be flagged as yellow, but downstream non-partitioned assets are marked as green. I don't have an estimate on if/when the indicators could be customized, but it is on the team's radar to continue discussing