Is it possible to run two assets sequentially with...
# ask-community
Is it possible to run two assets sequentially without an I/O Manager? For example:
Copy code
def write_new_partition(context) -> None:
    pandas_df = pull_recent_rows()
    write_new_partition_to_bq(pandas_df, 'append') 

def viz_on_full_table_upload_to_s3(context) -> str:
    df = read_full_df()
    html_viz = do_viz(df) 
    return html_viz
The second function only needs the first function to run, it doesn't need anything from the first directly
Alternatively, you can define dependencies where data from an upstream asset doesn’t need to be loaded by Dagster to compute a downstream asset’s output. When used,
defines the dependency between assets but doesn’t pass data through Dagster.
This is perfect, will make sure to give another read through that doc! Thanks as always for the quick answers!