Hello, I'm using Dagster Cloud/Hybrid. We're in A...
# dagster-plus
Hello, I'm using Dagster Cloud/Hybrid. We're in AWS running EKS. My agent is up, I'm trying to setup a "code location" that uses our ECR repository for Docker images. Any help on that?
Hi Greg - when you say ECS here do you mean ECR?
☝️ 1
This page is a decent start: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/developing-testing/code-locations#managing-code-locations-in-dagster-cloud-1 And this quickstart repo gives you steps to connect a Github repo to an ECR repository so that it builds/pushes to ECR ,and then deploys to Dagster Cloud on each commit: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster-cloud-hybrid-quickstart