When referencing an upstream asset - how can I ens...
# ask-community
When referencing an upstream asset - how can I ensure the uniqueness of the name/reference? And potentially reference the asset explicitly i.e. by giving the full asset key / and having a nice alias in the function argument?
are you referencing them in another asset definition? I think asset keys are unique by design? I almost exclusively use the
argument of the decorator to define dependencies, it allows you to explicitly map input arguments to asset keys so that your dependencies are explicit.
they keys are unique
but not neccessarily the argument name to an asset function
in particular not a readable one
think about an enterprise settings where schema foo and table bar might reside in two separate warehouses (on-prem and cloud) perhaps and have different contents (if not even schemata)
Probably I should go via the ins as well. But it is a bit of typograpic overhead. However, so far I would not see any other way
Do you see anything else?
the argument names to the asset functions are short-hands for keys, so if you don't want to use
I think you'd be forced to make them unique. You might be able to do something using
with prefixes to define independent code locations, but that doesn't seem to be recommended.
hm might be workable - let me explore the