Hey community are there motivated people for a di...
# random
Hey community are there motivated people for a discussion around building OSI layers for data? Or primitives like helm and K8s for data? This is a draft blog post https://deploy-preview-14--georgheiler.netlify.app/2023/01/08/osi-layers-for-the-data-ecosystem/ I am looking for discussion partners - and if interested co-authors to formulated a consolidated opinion as a blog post.
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I think it's a super cool idea, a shared nomenclature / reference architecture would be really helpful in communication around these topics. One criticism I have is that I would hesitate to try to map the concepts 1-1 with OSI. OSI was made specifically to address concepts in networking, and mapping data concepts to it directly 1:1 feels like pigeon-holing in a way that will limit the expressiveness of the model to properly reflect reality. Some of the examples for certain data layers you've listed feel like they're stretching to match an OSI layer definition, when it might be better to create new definitions and relationships, as you're modeling a different domain. But I also do realize that these are early draft bullets and may not be fully formed thoughts yet. I haven't had time to think through what the different "layers" would be in my mind, but I just think trying to directly relate each OSI layer to a data concept may not be the most accurate way to approach the topic. It is however a very interesting discussion and I'd be excited to help contribute to the discussion where possible.
Good point! Agreed - exactly this is still an early draft.
What if we perhaps find a slot in 1-2 weeks so you could think a bit about the ideas and then meet for a discussion? My timezone is Vienna/Austria/Europe.
That sounds fun! My timezone is Pacific US, UTC-8. I'll message you directly
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