Is it possible for a partitioned asset to depend u...
# ask-community
Is it possible for a partitioned asset to depend upon a non-partitioned asset?
yep this is possible 🙂
nothing particularly fancy will happen -- whenever a partition is computed for the partitioned asset, it will just load the entirety of the non-partitioned asset
Hmmmm okay. Trying to debug an ad-hoc materialization through Dagit. I materialized a upstream (non-partitioned) asset, just clicking around. When I go to materialize the downstream (partitioned) asset, every partition fails, saying its upstream was not materialized.
It sounds like this could be a bug with ad-hoc materializations, though. I don’t have a tidy reproducer case just yet.
I’ve opened, it’s almost certainly a dagit bug
great thanks for filing -- appreciate the simple repro. I'll forward this to the relevant people and I'm hopeful this is a simple fix