I have a custom DataFrame type, like: `MyDataFram...
# ask-community
I have a custom DataFrame type, like:
MyDataFrame = create_dagster_pandas_dataframe_type(...)
And an asset that produces that type, for storage in Snowflake. This all works as expected. The asset signature is like:
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def my_asset(context: OpExecutionContext) -> MyDataFrame:
    return df
Validation passes, etc. Downstream, I have an asset that needs to understand the types specified for columns in
. I tried to do this for the downstream asset's signature:
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def my_downstream_asset(context: OpExecutionContext, my_asset: MyDataFrame) -> None:
    # some stuff happens
    return None
However, I cannot materialize
because of the error:
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dagster._check.CheckError: SnowflakeIOManager does not have a handler for type 'typing.Any'. Has handlers for types '<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>'. Please add <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> type hints to your assets and ops.
I had this same error yesterday when I did not specify a type at all for
in the signature of
. How can I have
and apply the column types specified (and validated) in
hi @clay! this is an interesting case -- I think the issue is coming from the fact that when you use
, it erases the information that the SnowflakeIOManager uses to determine what specific type of input object you want your table loaded as. I think this should be an easy enough fix on our end, but until that fix goes out I'd recommend just leaving the annotation off the input. If you still want to manually validate things, you can do
MyDataFrame.type_check(None, my_asset)
within the body of the asset
❤️ 1
actually just merged in the fix for this behavior, it'll get into tomorrow's release 🙂
Awesome, thanks @owen!