Hopefully a quick one. If we have a bunch of asset...
# ask-community
Hopefully a quick one. If we have a bunch of assets, say 60, and these materialize in parallel (8 at a time) but one seems to take way longer than the most, we would like to suggest to/force dagster to start materializing that asset in the first batch of assets that get materialized. Is this possible (without artificially constructing our graph with this asset being an input into all other assets)?
Hi Robert - I think setting the "dagster/priority" tag (via op_tags" on the asset) would accomplish this. There's an example here - this is for the run queue, but the tag behavior should be similar, just for op_tags on assets within a single run instead of tags on a job: https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/run-coordinator#priorities)
That worked -- I appreciate it
condagster 1