We’re getting this error when loading some pages i...
# dagster-feedback
We’re getting this error when loading some pages in dagit since we upgraded yesterday. Seems related to tte “Loading” block which never resolves.
Copy code
Operation name: AssetGraphLiveQuery

Message: Attempted to deserialize class "EventLogRecord" which is not in the whitelist. This error can occur due to version skew, verify processes are running expected versions.
Descent path: <root:dict>

Path: ["assetNodes",0,"assetMaterializations"]

Locations: [{"line":24,"column":3}]
hi @Chris Histe what are your dagit/dagster versions? on the surface, this seems to indicate a mismatch between the two (my suspicion is that the dagit version is less than the dagster version)
Is this the Dagit version?
And this the Dagster version?
It’s odd because my dagit and dagster are
in my pyproject.toml
Ahhhh I think I didn’t upgrade my helm chart
Yes that’s the problem. My bad. Thanks a lot!
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