Hello everyone, is there any beginners channel whe...
# ask-community
Hello everyone, is there any beginners channel where I can ask some potentially dumb questions about getting started with Dagster?
hi @Pragun Bhutani -- this is the right channel for questions of any level 🙂
Thank you @owen! I'm currently working on a project that's something like a Zapier clone - where my users are able to program simple data transfer or transformation jobs for themselves and set them to a schedule. For my backend, I currently use Airflow with a custom DAG CRUD API which copy-pastes templated DAG files into my DAG folder every time I want to add a new job to the schedule / or deletes then when I want to remove my job etc. However, in the interest of running less software on my own and saving some time, I was wondering it was possible to achieve the same functionality using Dagster running on Dagster cloud?
Ah that's an interesting question! It sounds like you already have the trickiest part figured out (a way to template out code artifacts and get them into a central location). One difference between Dagster and Airflow's management of code locations is that in the UI, Airflow continually re-reads the main dag folder every few seconds (so any changes will be automatically picked up), whereas Dagster will only re-load it's interpretation of the code state on request (i.e. there's a "reload code location" button that you can click). This can also be automated via the GraphQL API so I don't think this would be a blocker by any means, just something to look out for