Another question about managing external jobs. Are...
# ask-community
Another question about managing external jobs. Are there examples of/best practices for kicking off an external pipeline from an op within my graph? I'm thinking about managing an external analysis which consists of multiple pipelines itself via dagster. So I could have a job where op-1 runs pipeline-1, op-2 runs pipeline-2, and op-3 runs pipeline-3. Should the ops start the external pipeline and then manually poll the external system for completion? Or should the external pipeline make a request to dagster for reporting completion? Thank you for any hints in the matter.
hi @moritz! the polling approach fits best with the dagster architecture. We use that pattern internally in some of our integrations with cloud tools (e.g. Fivetran)
Thanks for the pointer to the fivertran integration. Looking at the code for the resources was very instructive.