Hello! I made these two assets using the same grap...
# ask-community
Hello! I made these two assets using the same graph of ops via this code:
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cleaned_data_bank_loan = AssetsDefinition.from_graph(clean_data_graph, key_prefix=["source", "bank_loan"])
cleaned_data_bank_marketing = AssetsDefinition.from_graph(clean_data_graph, key_prefix=["source", "bank_marketing"])
Is there in any way that I can modify the name of the asset? I only found a way of modifying the key_prefix but not the actual name. These two assets basically have the same logic of how they would materialize and as such, I created a graph and derived these two assets. Later on, I plan to supply it with arguments via run config to specify what's the location of the asset it's going to materialize.
Hi Ryan. You can specify a different output asset key for each
instance by doing something like this:
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AssetsDefinition.from_graph(my_graph, keys_by_output_name={"result": AssetKey("asset_1")}),
AssetsDefinition.from_graph(my_graph, keys_by_output_name={"result": AssetKey("asset_2")}),
is the output name of the graph.
Thank you so much, claire. Can confirm that this works