Could someone guide me how to create dynamic pipel...
# ask-community
Could someone guide me how to create dynamic pipelines, similarly to Airflow, but in Dagster. I have a json file in the format:
Copy code
    {"client_id": 1, "client_name": Joe},
    {"client_id": 2, "client_name": Ruth}
Where do I need to create a pipeline/job for each element in the list, with the same internal operations in the assets, only differentiating the id parameter. I searched in some forums, but little is said about dynamic jobs in Dagster. 😞 My question would be how to create a function in Dagster with operations similar to the
function, defined in the file
dagster bot responded by community 2
Asset/job/op factories are you friend here. The only example of this in the docs is under ops, but you can use factory patterns with most dagster concepts. For your example, you’ll want to read your json file, and then create a list of ops/jobs/assets/etc using factory functions.
❤️ 2
right when I started to implement dagster I came across Op Factory and I couldn't replicate it with my conditionals. I'll try to understand the functionality a little more. Thank you very much!
Almost all of my pipelines are implemented with some sort of factory pattern - it’s super flexible.
Just implemented something like this last night and I didn't realize that I did an Op factory pattern. But yeah, this is the way