Hello, I am new to dagster and try to find out if...
# ask-community
Hello, I am new to dagster and try to find out if it fits our needs. so far most of the cases seems to work well, but I have an issue that I want to verify as it seems not to work.. We are using
to avoid duplications, the
is the ID of the data set we get. when I run it from different sensor run it works successfully. the issue start when I try to run the same sensor with duplication. even though the job start with the same
it is being triggered multiple times. is this the expected behaviour?
Hi Tom. The expected behavior in this case is that the sensor will not kick off another run if a run with the run key has already been triggered by the sensor. To clarify, did you find that run requests triggered another job run with the same run key for the same sensor?
Hey Claire, I added to the asset duplication and ran all in one
when it fun in separate execution of a asset sensor it worked, but when it was the same asset_sensor execution it trigger the same run request 2 times.