Why am I getting the error "got an unexpected keyw...
# ask-community
Why am I getting the error "got an unexpected keyword argument 'dbt_resource_key' " . When I am seeing that you can use that parameter
dagster bot responded by community 1
this is my code, do I need something extra?
Seems like it could be a version issue? That parameter was added in dagster-dbt v0.17.7
Maybe your dagster-dbt is out of date, just a thought
This is my version . I found a thread that show an example : https://app.slack.com/client/TCDGQDUKF/search/search-eyJkIjoiZGJ0X3Jlc291cmNlX2tleS[…]kYnRfcmVzb3VyY2Vfa2V5In0=/thread/C04CW71AGBW-1673478227.852539. Do you I need to define an "io_manager_key" also like the example of the previous link?
Thats the dagster version which is not the same as the dagster-dbt version. It’s a little confusing… but dagster 1.1.5 is older than dagster-dbt 0.17.7
dagster-dbt v0.17.7 == dagster v1.1.7
ok got it.. you are right... I have 0.17.5
thanks I will update