```2023-02-27 12:47:46 +0000 - dagster.daemon.Queu...
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2023-02-27 12:47:46 +0000 - dagster.daemon.QueuedRunCoordinatorDaemon - ERROR - Another QUEUED_RUN_COORDINATOR daemon is still sending heartbeats. You likely have multiple daemon processes running at once, which is not supported.
How do you cancel other demons sending heartbeats? I don't understand how i can have another daemon sending a heartbeat. I have tried stopping my container, and restarting all services. This error is causing all of my backfills to timeouts. And now I can't get any of my services restarting.
Hi Andrew - if you're running on Linux, can you run
ps aux | grep dagster
and kill the relevant processed?
If you're running on docker, "docker ps" should do something similar
Hey appreciate the advice. Turns out I had multiple instances writing to my staging environment as I try to implement a docker swarm. My bad.