Hi :wave_anim: for those of us that are not using...
# dagster-plus
Hi wave anim for those of us that are not using Github, could you provide some help on how to enable fast deploys? We use gitlab and have a gitlab-ci setup that pushes stuff to Dagster cloud using the
CLI tool like so:
Copy code
dagster-cloud serverless deploy
      --location-name "mypackage"
      --package-name mypackage
      --deployment $BRANCH_DEPLOYMENT_NAME
      --commit-hash $CI_COMMIT_SHA
      --env KEY1=VALUE1
      --env KEY2=VALUE2
      --image $CI_COMMIT_SHA
      --base-image python:3.9-slim
How can we turn this into a fast deployment so our dev branches can be quickly pushed to the cloud without the whole docker build process that happens using the above?
Hi Manish - there's an example of using the
Copy code
dagster-cloud serverless deploy-python-executable
command for this here: https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/deployment/serverless#without-github-gitlab-bitbucket-or-local-development does that help?
Hi Manish - a couple of things to note for fast deploys:
is not supported because there is no custom built docker image. However you can set environment variables in the dagster cloud UI. Also instead of
you should use
Thank you, thats good to know. I’ll take a look 👍