Hello, after deploying Dagster OSS by following th...
# ask-community
Hello, after deploying Dagster OSS by following this process - https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/deploying-with-helm#deploying-dagster-on-helm, I was wondering about CI/CD process. 1. What would be the best practices here to add new code locations, refresh existing ones and all? 2. Is it possible to have a shorter URL, the default is too long - can we change it? 3. If I need to have completely separate environments for dev, stage and prod.. should we just create new k8s clusters and follow the above process?
Hi Abhishek - 1. For CI/CD you would typically build and push a new image for your user code deployment(s) with your new code and upgrade the helm chart to reference the new image tag. Adding a new user code deployment can be done by adding a new entry to the list and redeploying. 2. It's possible to set up DNS in front of a k8s cluster to change the URL that is used to access the dagit service, yeah - that is going to depend a lot on what cloud you have dagster deployed in and is probably a bit out of the scope of what we can provide for support, but it's definitely possible 3. Yeah, you would deploy the helm chart three times for this currently. It doesn't necessarily need to be in an entirely different k8s cluster but you would want it to be in a separate namespace at least
👍 1
ty thankyou 1
Thanks Daniel for your responses. I am imagining that sharing access with my colleagues to the environment I have just built, it would depend on the cloud provider I have, right? We are on Google so this is something which I need to investigate, right?
Hey Daniel, is it possible to update the helm chart programmatically when we add a new code location? By update the helm chart, we mean updating the values.yaml file, right?
Yeah, you change the values.yaml file and run helm install --upgrade and it will add/remove/update resources as needed