Would it be possible to get an imperative function...
# dagster-feedback
Would it be possible to get an imperative function like
that can be accessed inside an op/job? I'm aware of the very recent implementation that lets you load an asset into an op using
, with the big caveat that it does not allow for partitioned assets. Secondly, it's a real bear to have to send in to the job all the
, the
that maps all of those resources, then in the
containing the assets you have to include
and a noop
. Hopefully I'm wrong about all that.
I'm aware of the very recent implementation that lets you load an asset into an op using
, with the big caveat that it does not allow for partitioned assets
this is fixed in our release that's landing today
👍 2
could you do something like?
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def my_op():
    from .somewhere import defs
    asset_value = defs.load_asset_value(...)
I was going to look into doing just that but had a feeling it wouldn't "just work". I'll give it a try, thank you
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvariantViolationError: $DAGSTER_HOME "/opt/dagster/dagster_home" is not a directory or does not exist. Dagster requires this environment variable to be set to an existing directory in your filesystem
Hm, obviously there is some kind of context set when accessing this inside the op vs outside the dagster environment as a whole.
Try this:
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def my_op(context):
    from .somewhere import defs
    asset_value = defs.load_asset_value(..., instance=context.instance)
isn't this likely to cause a circular dependency? If you want to use the above op in a job, you have
as an import chain, but then you also have
now, creating a loop. Maybe you make it work if you only use the op in another code location, but that seems restrictive.
that's why you need to do the import inside the body of the op instead of at module-level
ah, fair, but I think non-top imports are not exactly best practice and I'd personally be uncomfortable relying on a solution like this one, but maybe I'm being irrational 🙂