Sometimes dagster doesn’t show a stack trace after...
# ask-community
Sometimes dagster doesn’t show a stack trace after an error occurs. All it tells me is there’s an error in an asset:
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2023-03-01 12:24:01 -0900 - dagster - ERROR - epacems_job - ebe6e649-285d-4915-874e-b5adee4f0ce3 - 79821 - RUN_FAILURE - Execution of run for "epacems_job" failed. Steps failed: ['hourly_emissions_epacems'].
Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Hi Bennett - does this run also appear in Dagit? Are there any more useful logs there?
The run does not appear in dagit. I’m using
to run jobs via a python script. When I use
I get the full stack trace.
Is it possible to share that stack trace? That might help explain why it’s getting swallowed
Sure! It’s a job with two ops:
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2023-03-01 14:43:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.ferc1:653 Dropping the old FERC Form 1 SQLite DB if it exists.
2023-03-01 14:43:28 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 328c2bdb-24e8-41a8-96a3-fab9e0788198 - 98735 - xbrl2sqlite - STEP_START - Started execution of step "xbrl2sqlite".
2023-03-01 14:43:28 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.xbrl:84 Dropping the old FERC Form 1 XBRL derived SQLite DB if it exists.
2023-03-01 14:43:29 -0900 - dagster - ERROR - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 328c2bdb-24e8-41a8-96a3-fab9e0788198 - 98735 - xbrl2sqlite - STEP_FAILURE - Execution of step "xbrl2sqlite" failed.

dagster._core.errors.DagsterExecutionStepExecutionError: Error occurred while executing op "xbrl2sqlite"::

AssertionError: You are attempting to drop your database without setting clobber to False

Stack Trace:
  File "/Users/bendnorman/mambaforge/envs/pudl-dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dagster/_core/execution/plan/", line 55, in op_execution_error_boundary
  File "/Users/bendnorman/mambaforge/envs/pudl-dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dagster/_utils/", line 471, in iterate_with_context
    next_output = next(iterator)
  File "/Users/bendnorman/mambaforge/envs/pudl-dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dagster/_core/execution/plan/", line 121, in _coerce_solid_compute_fn_to_iterator
    result = invoke_compute_fn(
  File "/Users/bendnorman/mambaforge/envs/pudl-dev/lib/python3.10/site-packages/dagster/_core/execution/plan/", line 115, in invoke_compute_fn
    return fn(context, **args_to_pass) if context_arg_provided else fn(**args_to_pass)
  File "/Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl/src/pudl/extract/", line 143, in xbrl2sqlite
    sqlite_engine = _get_sqlite_engine(form.value, output_path, clobber)
  File "/Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl/src/pudl/extract/", line 91, in _get_sqlite_engine
    pudl.helpers.drop_tables(sqlite_engine, clobber=clobber)
  File "/Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl/src/pudl/", line 1031, in drop_tables
    raise AssertionError(

2023-03-01 14:43:29 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 328c2bdb-24e8-41a8-96a3-fab9e0788198 - 98713 - ENGINE_EVENT - Multiprocess executor: parent process exiting after 7.74s (pid: 98713)
2023-03-01 14:43:29 -0900 - dagster - ERROR - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 328c2bdb-24e8-41a8-96a3-fab9e0788198 - 98713 - RUN_FAILURE - Execution of run for "ferc_to_sqlite_job" failed. Steps failed: ['dbf2sqlite', 'xbrl
It occasionally spits out one of the failures which is how I got this stack trace.
What function are you running to execute the job after build_reconstructable_job? To confirm, execute_in_process always includes the failures with stack traces, but this other code path using build_reconstructable_job only sometimes includes the failures?
I’m using execute_job to execute the job created by build_reconstructable_job. Yes, execute_in_process includes the stack traces but build_reconstructable_job does not.
I think I have an idea what's going on here (we probably need to be flushing our logs more in some places) - in the meantime as a workaround, the output of execute_job is an object with an
property that's a list of events - iterating through those and printing them out would probably have the failure message in it every time
Thanks for the workaround! Should I open an issue for this?
I was just trying to reproduce this this morning, no luck so far but could you try one thing for me? Does the problem go away if you set PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 before running your script?
that would help verify that it is indeed a log flushing problem
I’ll try it!
The problem did not go away after setting PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1
Hm, ok, one other thing to try: If you add this to the run_config that is optionally passed into execute_job, does it go away then?
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run_config={"execution": {"config": {"in_process": {}}}}
Yes the full stack traces are reliably displayed when
"execution": {"config": {"in_process": {}}}
is added to
And ok one other thing that would be helpful, hopefully the last for a bit - are you able to share a full stream of logs from a run where the problem is happening? Knowing the last log that each subprocess logs could help track this down
Sure! With the in_process executor config?
without the in_process config (so when the problem is reproducing)
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pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
2023-03-02 10:17:33 [ WARNING] catalystcoop.pudl.workspace.setup:107 pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
2023-03-02 10:17:33 [ WARNING] catalystcoop.pudl.workspace.setup:128 sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
/Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl/src/pudl/ferc_to_sqlite/ ExperimentalWarning: "build_reconstructable_job" is an experimental function. It may break in future versions, even between dot releases. To mute warnings for experimental functionality, invoke warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=dagster.ExperimentalWarning) or use one of the other methods described at <>.
  ferc_to_sqlite_reconstructable_job = build_reconstructable_job(
No dagster instance configuration file (dagster.yaml) found at /Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl-work. Defaulting to loading and storing all metadata with /Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl-work. If this is the desired behavior, create an empty dagster.yaml file in /Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl-work.
/Users/bendnorman/catalyst/pudl/src/pudl/ferc_to_sqlite/ ExperimentalWarning: "execute_job" is an experimental function. It may break in future versions, even between dot releases. To mute warnings for experimental functionality, invoke warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=dagster.ExperimentalWarning) or use one of the other methods described at <>.
  result = execute_job(
2023-03-02 10:17:34 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97201 - RUN_START - Started execution of run for "ferc_to_sqlite_job".
2023-03-02 10:17:34 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97201 - ENGINE_EVENT - Executing steps using multiprocess executor: parent process (pid: 97201)
2023-03-02 10:17:34 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97201 - dbf2sqlite - STEP_WORKER_STARTING - Launching subprocess for "dbf2sqlite".
2023-03-02 10:17:34 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97201 - xbrl2sqlite - STEP_WORKER_STARTING - Launching subprocess for "xbrl2sqlite".
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE
pudl_settings is being depcrated in favor of environment variablesPUDL_OUTPUT and PUDL_CACHE. For more infosee: <>
sqlite and parquet directories are no longer being used. Make sure there is a single directory named 'output' at the root of your workspace. For more info see: <>
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97213 - STEP_WORKER_STARTED - Executing step "xbrl2sqlite" in subprocess.
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97212 - STEP_WORKER_STARTED - Executing step "dbf2sqlite" in subprocess.
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97213 - xbrl2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_STARTED - Starting initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97212 - dbf2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_STARTED - Starting initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97213 - xbrl2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_SUCCESS - Finished initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97212 - dbf2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_SUCCESS - Finished initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97213 - LOGS_CAPTURED - Started capturing logs in process (pid: 97213).
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97213 - xbrl2sqlite - STEP_START - Started execution of step "xbrl2sqlite".
2023-03-02 10:17:42 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.xbrl:84 Dropping the old FERC Form 1 XBRL derived SQLite DB if it exists.
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97212 - LOGS_CAPTURED - Started capturing logs in process (pid: 97212).
2023-03-02 10:17:42 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97212 - dbf2sqlite - STEP_START - Started execution of step "dbf2sqlite".
2023-03-02 10:17:42 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.ferc1:653 Dropping the old FERC Form 1 SQLite DB if it exists.
2023-03-02 10:17:44 -0900 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97201 - ENGINE_EVENT - Multiprocess executor: parent process exiting after 9.99s (pid: 97201)
2023-03-02 10:17:44 -0900 - dagster - ERROR - ferc_to_sqlite_job - 8ff4c146-9654-4a8b-8c94-a9a8a76b79de - 97201 - RUN_FAILURE - Execution of run for "ferc_to_sqlite_job" failed. Steps failed: ['dbf2sqlite', 'xbrl2sqlite'].
I assume you don't have any logging-related customization in your dagster.yaml?
No not yet. We’ve been using the default logging behavior.
And similarly your ops don't make any logging configuration changes? (logging.dictConfig, that kind of thing)
I do set the python log level in the job exeucte_job runs. This is why I switched from using
to ``dagster.build_reconstructable_job()` . This PR explains the context.
Oh nice - if I wanted to try running your exact job locally myself would that be a whole adventure? didn't realize it was publicly available
haha potentially. It’s not that much setup. You’d need to clone the repo, setup a conda env, set a couple of env vars then run the script.
Here are our setup docs though they haven’t been updated to reflect our dagster changes.
I'd be curious if taking out that
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reconstructable_kwargs={"loglevel": args.loglevel, "logfile": args.logfile},
makes a difference (all this back and forth debugging is entirely optional btw, you've already gone above and beyond)
although looking at the code that might not be totally trivial to test
Ah i’m getting more reliable stack traces after removing
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reconstructable_kwargs={"loglevel": args.loglevel, "logfile": args.logfile},
But then I lose my ability to set the python log level for the script which is my original reason from switching from
Got it - that may help me reproduce though at least, that's a helpful clue
i'll see if i can reproduce with a filehandler added - that would make a lot of sense actually
if it's doing more work, it's more likely that the lack of a flush hook at the end will cause problems
Sounds good! Thanks for all of the help!
what script do you run in your repo to trigger the job locally? I see a couple in the PR
I’ve been testing this with the
super odd, still no dice running that script locally in my terminal
i suppose you're passing in the argfile/loglevel? what script are you running exactly
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ferc_to_sqlite src/pudl/package_data/settings/etl_fast.yml
From the pudl repo
huh. me too. Mac Terminal?
it should throw an error if there is an existing sqlite database.
er wait, i'll try that exact yaml file
Mac iTerm
The latest commit to that branch includes the workaround you suggested.
How odd:
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2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7927 - STEP_WORKER_STARTED - Executing step "xbrl2sqlite" in subprocess.
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7920 - STEP_WORKER_STARTED - Executing step "dbf2sqlite" in subprocess.
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7927 - xbrl2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_STARTED - Starting initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7920 - dbf2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_STARTED - Starting initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7927 - xbrl2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_SUCCESS - Finished initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7920 - dbf2sqlite - RESOURCE_INIT_SUCCESS - Finished initialization of resources [datastore, ferc_to_sqlite_settings, io_manager].
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7927 - LOGS_CAPTURED - Started capturing logs in process (pid: 7927).
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7920 - LOGS_CAPTURED - Started capturing logs in process (pid: 7920).
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7927 - xbrl2sqlite - STEP_START - Started execution of step "xbrl2sqlite".
2023-03-02 14:36:33 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.xbrl:84 Dropping the old FERC Form 1 XBRL derived SQLite DB if it exists.
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - DEBUG - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7920 - dbf2sqlite - STEP_START - Started execution of step "dbf2sqlite".
2023-03-02 14:36:33 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.ferc1:653 Dropping the old FERC Form 1 SQLite DB if it exists.
2023-03-02 14:36:33 [    INFO] catalystcoop.pudl.extract.ferc1:667 Creating a new database schema based on 2020.
2023-03-02 14:36:33 -0600 - dagster - ERROR - ferc_to_sqlite_job - ba895ed4-8280-4453-8a80-e53f95906c8d - 7927 - xbrl2sqlite - STEP_FAILURE - Execution of step "xbrl2sqlite" failed.

dagster._core.errors.DagsterExecutionStepExecutionError: Error occurred while executing op "xbrl2sqlite"::


Stack Trace:
  File "/Users/dgibson/dagster/python_modules/dagster/dagster/_core/execution/plan/", line 55, in op_execution_error_boundary
  File "/Users/dgibson/dagster/python_modules/dagster/dagster/_utils/", line 471, in iterate_with_context
    next_output = next(iterator)
  File "/Users/dgibson/dagster/python_modules/dagster/dagster/_core/execution/plan/", line 121, in _coerce_solid_compute_fn_to_iterator
    result = invoke_compute_fn(
  File "/Users/dgibson/dagster/python_modules/dagster/dagster/_core/execution/plan/", line 115, in invoke_compute_fn
    return fn(context, **args_to_pass) if context_arg_provided else fn(**args_to_pass)
  File "/Users/dgibson/pudl/src/pudl/extract/", line 145, in xbrl2sqlite
    raise Exception("SIMULATED FAILURE")
i still think the fix could resolve it, but would be lovely to be able to reproduce the problem to verify...
Hmm strange. The stack traces seem inconsistent. I just ran the script ~10 times and ~50% the stack traces from both op failures were included ~%40 of the time one stack was included and %10 no stack traces were included.
Dunno how enthused you are about installing dagster from source to test out a fix (obviously no expectations there) but I think the PR here has a good chance of fixing this by being sure to flush out loggers before the subprocesses end:
I can give it a go! I setup the env the other day to make a fix of my own which I think you might be the reviewer on!
oh nice, sounds like a fair trade
👍 1
What’s the easiest way to install dagster from source? Can I just point pip to your branch?
Yeah, checking out that branch and then pip install -e python_modules/dagster should work
👍 1
, logging to a single file from multiple processes is not supported, because there is no standard way to serialize access to a single file across multiple processes in Python
Ah thank you @alex! I’ll remove the logfile option from the cli command.
@daniel looks like the code on
is still swallowing the stack traces.
Given you can’t reproduce it I think the work around should be fine for now!
Hmm alex's theory is probably the correct one then. Python logging strikes again