I'm getting the following error when attempting to...
# ask-community
I'm getting the following error when attempting to yield an AssetMaterialization.
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TypeError: SqlEventLogStorage._get_asset_entry_values() missing 1 required positional argument: 'has_asset_key_index_cols'
This is the code that yields the asset materialization
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yield dagster.AssetMaterialization(
            asset_key=dagster.AssetKey([google_sheet.title, sheet_name]),
            metadata={"url": dagster.MetadataValue.url(google_sheet.url)},
I can see the ASSET_MATERIALIZATION event in the log (see screenshot). But immediately after that I see a STEP_FAILURE. Any ideas on what could be causing this problem?
🤖 1
I'm now suspecting a version mismatch between the repo (1.1.20) and dagit (1.1.3).
I have upgraded dagit to 1.1.20 and the problem is gone.
👍 1