Hello, if I have a GKE OSS deployment, how would I...
# ask-community
Hello, if I have a GKE OSS deployment, how would I connect the GraphQL Python Client to it? https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/dagit/graphql-client
Also, would it be possible to reload definitions?
@Sean Lopp I think this one got missed.. could you help here?
Yeah that I understood from the docs. I'm wondering how would I connect this to my dagster app running on GKE.. basically, not localhost.. How would the authentication work?
There is no authentication in the OSS tooling, so you would need to: (a) have dagster run in an instance with a public IP address and use that address instead of localhost
(b) keep the network restriction at the GCP level (so the dagster instance is not open to the public) and then run the graphql client from a machine that is also within that restricted network, using a private IP instead of localhost (c) run your own authentication proxy
Hey @Sean Lopp, trying this on GKE right now. I would need to use the IP where dagster-dagit service is running, right?
Awesome, it works.