Hello again! Currently facing an issue with some ...
# ask-community
Hello again! Currently facing an issue with some of our user-code deployments on k8s which rely on their (docker: 'entrypoint', k8s: 'command') to do some setup. I can see in the K8sRunLauncher you construct the command (i.e. ["dagster", "api", "execute_run", ...]) and pass them as args to the created spec - this is ideal On the other hand, inside the helm chart for the user-code deployments, you pass:
command: ["dagster"]
args: ["api", "grpc", "-h", "", ... ]
Could you instead make it:
args: ["dagster", "api", "grpc", "-h", "", ... ]
i.e. leave "command" unspecified? Thanks again!
Hi Agon - I think we can do this, yes. Out of curiousity, what did you want to set as the command? I was just trying to help another user inject a command without messing up the args who was having difficulty, so a working example would be helpful
In my case I'd just leave the command empty entirely. This is so that the registered entry point on our docker images is executed, and has the "args" passed to it
Here's a common entrypoint for docker images: https://github.com/krallin/tini
👍 1
Makes sense - is that default ENTRYPOINT something you can share? Or is it sensitive
I don't think I'll be able to share it in its entirety, but it looks (at least superficially) like this:
ENTRYPOINT ["tini", "--", "docker-entrypoint.sh"]
And then inside
there might be something like:
exec ... "$@"
(ellipses taking place of things I'm not sure I'm allowed to share)
I guess the main thing you'd be interested in is the use of
to pass the
from kubernetes to the inner 'outer' process - if that makes sense?
Yeah that was the example I was struggling with, but this is helpful, thanks
That should be a quick change to the Helm chart that I can put out today
❤️ 2
You're a machine, thanks!
PR's here: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/pull/12685/files As an aside I tried to turn that tip about `
Copy code
exec "$@"
into a quick how-to here since it comes up frequently: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/discussions/12687 - entirely optional but if you don't mind glancing it over and confirming that it matches your understanding, would be very much appreciated
Hey thanks for such a quick turnaround! Just had a read and that checks out, and works when testing locally 🙂
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