Do we have Dagster Australian community? Would be ...
# random
Do we have Dagster Australian community? Would be good to meet-up with folks from down under who are using Dagster. 🙂
I've just joined and am new to dagster, but I'm based in Canberra 🙂
Hey @Benjamin Weise! I'm in Sydney working for a startup called Mutinex. We are building our data platform and ML pipelines using Dagster. What about you?
Hi 👋 ! I'm working at the Australian National University in the renewables space as a software developer. I'm looking at migrating our data processing pipelines away from Airflow to something that is more oriented towards flows of data. I've just been looking through the options and dagster seems to be the frontrunner at this point.
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That's cool! The community is awesome too plus the support from Dagster folks..!
That's good to know! I'm currently really liking the way things are laid out in dagster - I was finding that in Airflow, because we were dealing with large amounts of data we would inevitably end up with everything in a single task. It feels like the architecture of dagster is more closely aligned with what we are trying to achieve. How long have you been working with dagster?
Yeah this certainly feels like a proper mix of data and engineering. I have only used it for past couple months though..
We have a Dagster-de channel for german-speaking folks. Happy to set up #dagster-anz if we have enough folks interested.
That's a good idea but yeah, am not too sure about the engagement. I'm mainly interested in face-to-face meet-ups with folks in the same timezone and talk data engineering. If we can do it here, there's no real need for a new channel unless we get too noisy. 😄
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we've got at least two canberrans then 🙂
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I'm in Sydney and have been keeping an eye on Dagster for many years. I am about to make a commitment to Airflow but having cold feet. It looks like Dagster would be a better alternative. I also like that the original mental model has changed (I could not grok "solids" e.g as a term)
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Late to the party but fairly heavy dagster users here (based in Melb)
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