We've just introduced a new workspace in our workf...
# ask-community
We've just introduced a new workspace in our workflow. This new workspace (which mirrors the old one) is a separate container which runs a grpc server. This grpc server is connected to in our `workspace.yaml`'s
. I can see the workspace connected successfully in dagit, and can see that workspaces jobs. However, when launching any of the new workspaces jobs, it launches in the original workspaces ECS container. Some digging led me to
. I've added the following to the as an env var to the Dockerfile of the container running the new workspace/grpc server:
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ENV DAGSTER_CONTAINER_CONTEXT='{"ecs":{"task_definition_arn":"'$TASK_DEF_ARN'","container_name":"'$CONTAINER_NAME'"}}
However, when launching the job, I'm met with:
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dagster._core.errors.DagsterInvalidConfigError: Errors while parsing ECS container context
    Error 1: Received unexpected config entries "['container_name', 'task_definition_arn']" at the root. Expected: "['env_vars', 'secrets', 'secrets_tags']."
What version of dagster was
introduced? or am I just doing something wrong?
Hi moody - different keys were added in different versions, each addition should be in the changelog but if you upgrade to the latest 1.1 then the container_name key should work