Our latest blogpost got picked up by Hacker News: ...
# community-showcase
Our latest blogpost got picked up by Hacker News: Check it out: https://news.ycombinator.com/ The article is
How we deploy faster with warm Docker containers
daggy love 4
I saw that and was wondering whether the learnings could be applied easily to self-hosted multi-container docker deployments.
By the way anyone looking for direct link to the discussion https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35064079
The author of the post (Shalabh) is available here on the Dagster Slack, but that Hacker News thread looks pretty active so feel free to ask him questions there.
@Shalabh Chaturvedi - how can I turn this on for an existing serverless instance? The article says
Copy code
it is now on by default for all new serverless sign-ups.
but I don't see an option to turn this on explicitly?
Hi @David Merritt - This has been on by default since December 2022 so if you signed up after that it should already be enabled. If you look in you
, you will see an
env. You can set it to
to enable it. You would also need to update your
in the same directory.
❤️ 2
clay - iiuc you are asking about hybrid deployments. while this is currently not available for hybrid deployments it is something we will consider implementing in the future. is there a specific scenario where you think this is useful? with dagster you can invoke any external subprocess, so you could have a job that executes "download a pex file; run the pex file in a subprocess". however building and uploading the pex file is something you would have to implement.
thanks - I'll check that. We signed up before dec 2022
if you have not modified your
files, you can refresh them manually: 1. copy over the files from here 2. replace the
line with a literal value for your url. This is just the url for dagster cloud without a trailing slash, for example
DAGSTER_CLOUD_URL: "<http://my-org-name.dagster.cloud>"
If you have modified your yml files, you would need to port your changes to the new copy.