Same code on m1 mac and rhel. Works fine on m1 mac...
# ask-community
Same code on m1 mac and rhel. Works fine on m1 mac. On rhel gives: 'StepExecutionContext' object has no attribute 'solid_handle'. Both are on dagster 1.1.21. Any ideas folks?
think it is a dagstermill incompatibility error which i can fix. Checking!
We’ve been doing a lot of internal refactoring lately so would expect this to be a package version bump
yup bumped and worked! Transferring to another machine brought up an interesting point qith dagstermill for me: would be nice to have the ability to specify the kernel. In my case i landed up manually editing the kernels in the ipynb. I think papermill supports changing kernels
this would be as an argument to
, say!
That definitely sounds reasonable to me - mind filing an issue?