Hello! I had a question about Dagster versioning. ...
# ask-community
Hello! I had a question about Dagster versioning. I am currently running Dagster version 1.0.x for Dagit and Daemon in Kubernetes. I would like to upgrade the Dagster version in my user code deployment to 1.1.x. Is it safe to run with this minor version skew? Are there any concerns I should be aware of with this configuration?
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I am curious about this as well.
should be safe - dagster code servers are currently designed to be backwards compatible to 0.12.x
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That said, there might be things that slipped through the cracks of our test suite - the thing to be watching for is serialization issues between the code server and dagit- IE code server attempts to send an object that the outdated dagit server can’t read.
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Another thing to note is that not everything available in
dagster will be available to you if you are on
dagit - but it shouldn’t break anything new
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@chris thank you for your response.
Gotcha, thank you for the information!