hi there! we deployed dagster to ECS, but we keep ...
# ask-community
hi there! we deployed dagster to ECS, but we keep getting this error:
ImportError: cannot import name 'solid' from 'dagster' (/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dagster/__init__.py)
afaik (though i'm a relative noob), i can't ssh into an ECS cluster to check versions, but i can see that we're running dagster v1.1.21. any pointers on how to fix this issue? thanks! 🙏
dagster no longer supports solids in that version
You can downgrade your dagster version or rewrite the solids to ops
But the latter is more time consuming
ahh got it, thanks @Expoze Dummy!
i also see there's a new version for dagster, so we'll update, see if that fixes it, and look into forcing specific versions for the dependencies
for anyone who happens to run into something similar: we were using this code (https://github.com/datarootsio/terraform-aws-ecs-dagster) that appears to be stale, but there's a PR out to fix the issue (https://github.com/datarootsio/terraform-aws-ecs-dagster/pull/6/files)