Hi All, I want to run a python library that requi...
# dagster-plus
Hi All, I want to run a python library that requires Java. How can I install the latest version of Java when doing a Command line push to the Cloud?
Have you tried installing Java in your code location image?
I am using the Cereals example so unsure on where I would include this. It is my first time using Dagster cloud.
Are you using a hybrid setup or serverless?
Serverless - using this as the example code: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster-cloud/tree/main/dagster-cloud-examples and deploying with:
Copy code
dagster-cloud serverless deploy-python-executable ./xxx \
  --location-name first_loan_model \
  --package-name xxx --build-method=docker
Hi Adam, you will need to build a base docker image with Java and use that instead of the default base image. See https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/deployment/serverless#using-a-different-base-image-or-using-native-dependencies.
Thanks so much. I will give this a try!