I am a touch confused about sensors (i promise i r...
# dagster-plus
I am a touch confused about sensors (i promise i read the docs 🤞🏽 ) In my case with a hybrid agent (aws ecs), who is actually running the checks? Is it my agent or the dagster cloud or is it both talking to each other?
Hi Asif. The actual sensor evaluation will happen on the user code server managed by the agent. https://docs.dagster.io/dagster-cloud/deployment/hybrid#hybrid-architecture-overview
Thanks Phil. In my case, the coder server is yet another ECS task (managed by the agent). Does this mean, it will spawn a task, say, every 30 seconds to run the check? I guess I am trying to figure out the cost angle here
No, the user code server is a long-lived gRPC server that will handle requests from the agent. About every 30 seconds, a daemon process on the Dagster Cloud infrastructure will issue a request to the agent, which will pick it up and make the request to the corresponding user code server for that code location.
When you add/update a new code location, that will start a new ECS task for that location’s user code server.
Aha TIL Looks like i dont quite have a grasp of the infra. Thanks for the discussion though. i know what to google now 😄