Hello everyone, I have a simple question. Does Dag...
# ask-community
Hello everyone, I have a simple question. Does Dagster support remote debugging? I have a situation where I would like to attach my local debugger to deployed server and put some break points in the software-defined asset. I tried to attach my local environment in VS code to the server which I started with a
dagster dev
command and I always got a timeout error. I could not find any solution to this problem and would appreciate your input on this. Thanks, Dominik
Hi Dominik - does this work any better for you if you try on 1.2.3 (the previous version)? A fix for another issue on 1.2.4 may have inadvertently affected this workflow: https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C01U954MEER/p1680187168872819 (there are also some workarounds on the linked thread that should work on 1.2.4 while we sort out a fix)
❤️ 1
Thanks Daniel, much appreciated. I will take a look at this feature.
No problem - if you try it I would use the latest version (1.2.6) since we fixed the issue with pdb mentioned in that post