Is there any documentation on using AWS ECR to sto...
# deployment-ecs
Is there any documentation on using AWS ECR to store container images for Dagster jobs? or any documentation on what is required for Dagster to communicate with and use AWS ECR?
when you specify an image in an ECS task definition, you can point to a private ECR registry. ability to pull the image is controlled by granting permissions to the user-code service task executor role with an IAM role that has privs to pull the image from ECR.
on my team, we deploy new user code by building an ECR image in CI/CD, then mutate the ECS task definition to replace the latest label/tag of the image, then apply the new task definition
Good to know. Thanks!
Dagster daemon will notice the new code and refresh your workspace/user code after the updated ECS task finishes rolling out
in practice that takes a couple minutes
Wouldn't happen to have an example of the ECS task or config do you?
Sure, here's the template we use to create the task definition via terraform
And, after being applied, here's the task definition in ECS (with some annotations added by ECS)
pardon some of the mix of underscores and dashes in the second link, they may not be consistent... was redacting internal values quickly
Not a problem
just to elaborate, we grant the task executor role permission to pull the ECR image