my `pyproject.yaml` has: ```[tool.dagster] package...
# ask-community
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package_name = "cureatr"
When I run
dagster dev
I don't see any jobs etc. in the UI. If I change that to
module_name = "<|>"
then I see my jobs. So how does
work, it doesn't enumerate jobs/assets etc. in modules in that package?
It doesn't automatically scan subfolders in the package, no - it will load the package (just like if you ran
python -m cureatr
and include any Dagster definitions that are defined as part of that load)
my package
loads my jobs
from .jobs import *
so the jobs should be defined in the package
Hm, I would expect that to work in that case. Are you using a Definitions object?
no, I just have some functions decorated with
- if my pyproject.yaml uses
module_name = "<|>"
I see them , but if it uses
package_name = "cureatr"
it does not
If I just import my package in python I see my job functions defined
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>>> import cureatr
>>> dir(cureatr)
['__builtins__', '__cached__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', 'hello_redshift', 'hello_redshift_job', 'job', 'jobs', 'ops']
hm so i would have expected an error like this if you point it at a module with multiple jobs and no Definitions object:
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Error loading repository location No repository and more than one job found in "hi". If you load a file or module directly it must have only one job in scope. Found jobs defined in variables or decorated functions: ['job1', 'job2'].
that's what i got just now when I tried
oh, actually it just has one job, and that job references an asset. So I guess this approach won't work for >1 job? I'm trying to simplify local development for our datascience engineers and so if they have to add all this declarative boilerplate any time they add a function thats going to be an issue. So I guess I would need to introspect my package and dynamically build a bunch of Definitions?
ok, I guess I just need one Definition in the package, and they need to add any jobs/assets etc. to it? I guess that's ok
That's right, yeah
hmm, with
I still don't see my job. Do I have to add a code location when using
instead of
the UI shows
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No definitions
When you add a code location, your definitions will appear here
I did not have to add a code location, it found my job
hm module_name and package_name are identical so I don't think its that
the expected behavior here is that as long as the Definitions object is loaded as part of the import, it should be shown in the UI
with module_name it shows up without Definitions module_name vs package_name
oh I'm sorry, I know what's happening here
pyproject.toml only accepts module_name, not package_name - I was confused
aha - ok, so should I just put this in a local dagster.yaml?
oh, or is it workspace.yaml or something?
There's no functionality difference between module_name and package_name - if you change your pyproject.yaml to say module_name it should work
I just incorrectly assumed they were interchangable
yep, that worked! thanks
condagster 1