Hi there! This <page> in the docs is broken and I ...
# dagster-feedback
Hi there! This page in the docs is broken and I couldn't find the
Share Feedback
button. No big deal, just sending to let you know.
Hi there! Thanks for reporting this! Which page did you click on that linked to this? We moved this page over to here: https://docs.dagster.io/guides/dagster/testing-assets
I got there by clicking on
Test assets
here (which is an outdated version of the docs): https://docs.dagster.io/0.15.7/tutorial Thanks for the link.
❤️ 1
Hi. Another one at https://dagster.io/integrations/dagster-pandera when clicking on
Read the docs
Thank you for your contribution and feedback! I just added a redirect from the old Testing page to its new location, and I'll look into why the
API reference isn't coming up!