Dagster Cloud error after loading a the runs page ...
# dagster-feedback
Dagster Cloud error after loading a the runs page for a job:
Copy code
Operation name: JobMetadataQuery
Message: Internal Server Error (Trace ID: 3781436462646711625)
Path: ["pipelineRunsOrError","results",2,"assets"]
Locations: [{"line":63,"column":3}]
I often see an "unexpected graphql error" after loading Dagster Cloud Dagit, I don't usually click to see more so I don't know if this is representative.
Another example:
Copy code
Operation name: JobMetadataQuery
Message: Internal Server Error (Trace ID: 114103238601856100)
Path: ["pipelineRunsOrError","results",4,"assets"]
Locations: [{"line":63,"column":3}]
Thanks for reporting these Mark - we'll take a look here and see about making these queries more efficient. Does the same page typically load ok on refresh? Sometimes it takes a bit to get some of the needed data into cache, we're working on some strategies for mitigating that.
I'm not sure; I usually see the toast stating the error and just continue on my way; the page doesn't seem broken or like it's missing anything. Next time I see it I can try reloading and see if I get the error again.
Here's another:
Copy code
Operation name: JobMetadataQuery
Message: Internal Server Error (Trace ID: 125945585022611777)
Path: ["pipelineRunsOrError","results",1,"assets"]
Locations: [{"line":63,"column":3}]
I refreshed the page (runs history) and got the error again:
Copy code
Operation name: JobMetadataQuery
Message: Internal Server Error (Trace ID: 8019322113536807527)
Path: ["pipelineRunsOrError","results",2,"assets"]
Locations: [{"line":63,"column":3}]
Switching the "Launchpad" tab and back to "Runs" does not get the error, nor does clicking the "Refresh now" circle-error button. But refreshing the page a 2nd time also is not getting the error again.