I've been trying to connect a repo to Dasgter clou...
# ask-community
I've been trying to connect a repo to Dasgter cloud for a few days and keep getting 500
Hi Charles - i'm having deja vu here, did you post about this yesterday? I can't find the post now
at any rate, we'll take a look here, sorry for the error
Can you post or DM your organization name?
Yeah, I incorrectly deleted it
DMing you
Got it - what's the very last step you take before you see the error?
This leads to 500
Have you successfully connected to Github before, e.g. when adding your first code location?
What's the URL of the 500 page?
Correct, I do have one code location working
I’m afk, will send url shortly
I believe we may have this fixed - no rush but can you try again and let us know if you're able to connect?
Fantastic, will revert shortly
That's working, thank you! However, I'm getting this error when deploying.
From what I can tell it fails on this step:
Ok, I think that is an error that we could be surfacing much better - but from our logs, it looks like the repo you're trying to bring in to Dagster Cloud has a security policy in place that only allows changes to be made via pull requests, so it's not allowing our github app to template in the dagster_cloud.yaml and branch_deployments.yaml file
You probably have a setting like this set (which is good practice in general - you could very temporarily disable it for this purpose and then turn it back on though)
Yep, that’s definitely active - will try without.