Hi I keep getting this warning message, is this so...
# ask-community
Hi I keep getting this warning message, is this something that calls for some action?
Copy code
/Users/binoy/workspace/data-engg/data-lake-workflows/venv3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dagster/_grpc/server.py:1293: UserWarning: GrpcServerProcess is being destroyed without signalling to server that it should shut down. This may result in server processes living longer than they need to. To fix this, wrap the GrpcServerProcess in a contextmanager or call shutdown_server on it.
2023-04-07 11:49:05 -0400 - dagster.daemon.SensorDaemon - INFO - Not checking for any runs since no sensors have been started.
/Users/binoy/workspace/data-engg/data-lake-workflows/venv3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/dagster/_grpc/server.py:1293: UserWarning: GrpcServerProcess is being destroyed without signalling to server that it should shut down. This may result in server processes living longer than they need to. To fix this, wrap the GrpcServerProcess in a contextmanager or call shutdown_server on it.
No action required - this warning will be gone in the next release and is harmless
Thank you Daniel