I’m trying to use the dagster-gcp’s `DataprocResou...
# ask-community
I’m trying to use the dagster-gcp’s
to spin up a Dataproc cluster with the component gateway enabled. However, that requires the use of the “endpointConfig” parameter in the Dataproc cluster config, which when I check in the
in my virtual environment’s build of dagster-gcp, does not appear to exist. However, when I personally run the
script (from here), the “endpointConfig” parameter (and a number of others) are in fact showing up. It seems as though maybe the
script has not been run recently? I’m on dagster 1.2.6 and dagster-gcp 0.18.6. Any suggestions would be great, as would information about when this might be fixed or updated (or if it was intentional).
Because, as far as I can tell, there is no publicly accessible dagster-gcp repository anywhere, how would I go about filing an issue for this?
Hi Sam. The dagster-gcp library is part of the public dagster repository: https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/tree/master/python_modules/libraries/dagster-gcp/dagster_gcp So you can file an issue within the dagster library.
@claire Thanks - I hadn’t realized that! Do you agree with the assessment that the
looks like it just hasn’t been run in a while?
Or is there some other reason the endpointConfig parameter might not be showing up in the dataproc cluster config file?
Yep, the script hasn't been run for a long time. The previous owner of this code left the company a while ago, so this library is out of date. If you'd be willing to contribute a fix for this, I'm happy to review / tag others to review. Otherwise, I'd recommend filing an issue in the meantime.
❤️ 1
Perfect thanks! I’ll try to put together a PR, since it should just entail re-running the config parser
thanks, appreciate you contributing! you can send me a link to the PR after it's up