Hello all, we need to connect to our internal DB r...
# dagster-plus
Hello all, we need to connect to our internal DB running on AWS thats behind a firewall, from our Dagster code. I would really like to limit the IP's that can access that DB, or rather keep limiting that since we're already restrictive with that. Could anyone point me to a list of IP's that Dagster Cloud is using, or have some way of allocating a static IP that our Cloud account is using?
are you using hybrid? you could place the agent inside your own infra and only have outbound connections
I have tested and figured out hybrid deployments yesterday. but for now we would prefer to work with serverless and offload all jobs infra to Dagster Cloud
hey Ivan I can dm you the list of IP's used by serverless
Hi @Joe Could you please dm the list as well.
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